
Sunday, July 23, 2017

Balsom Agility Test for Measuring Agility

Balsom Agility Test for Measuring Agility. This article will discuss about Balsom Agility Test to measure agility. After I have posted my agility test with illinois agility test. Balsom Agility Test or Balsom Run is an agility test that is designed for soccer players, in the implementation of subjects required to make some movement to change direction and twice run. This test was developed by Paul Balsom in 1994.

Balsom Agility Test Implementation Procedure

Purpose: This test is to measure the speed, body control and ability to change direction (agility)
Equipment required: stopwatch and cone.
Implementation: Create a cone like pattern in the picture above starting from start point, finish and 3 points back. The length of the test area is 15 meters. The subject starts the movement at the start point in initial A and runs to the initial cone B before spinning and returns to the initial A. The subject then runs through the initial cone C up to the initial cone D then returns again and passes cone C. The subject turns right and runs Through cone B and up to the finish. Conducted with 2 experiments and the fastest time taken.
Balsom Agility Test for Measuring Agility
Scoring: The fastest time of 3 times doing.

Balsom Test Results: The sample used is the English Premier League footballer getting a score of 11.7 seconds (Tests conducted by Morc Coulson and David Archer in 2009).

Target population: tests are designed for soccer players, but this test fits well for team sports whose agility component is very dominant.
Reference : Balsom, P. (1994) 'Evaluation of Physical performance', In Ekblom, B. (ed.) Football (soccer), Oxford, UK: Blackwell Scientific, p.112.

That's an article about Balsom Agility Test for Measuring Agility. Hopefully it can be useful for the readers. Do not forget to look at other interesting articles on this website. Thanks.