
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

4 Types of Strength Should be Concerned for Swimmers Athletes

4 Types of Strength Should be Concerned for Swimmers Athletes. When analyzing the qualities of athleticism that are most developed by swimmers, we see that, without a doubt, competitive swimming provides some of the best cardiovascular fitness of any sport. The full body requirements and repetitive nature of our sport promote high levels of aerobic capacity and cardiovascular efficiency, much like runners and cyclists possess, but with the added requirement of propelling ourselves through a medium thicker than air. Swimming also requires mastery of breathing timing (more so than any other sport). Whereas on land, athletes have no restrictions on breathing, in swimming getting new air is limited to the time when the face is out of the water, ultimately boosting fitness even further.

Flexibility for Swimmers Athletes

Swimmers are also very flexible, and in many cases, almost too flexible. The loose joints (especially in the shoulders)  that enable a  swimmer to reach and stroke effectively, and move so fluidly can also allow the bones to move around at the joint, causing inflammation and pain. The only area where swimmers often lack enough flexibility is at the ankle, where it is desirable to have the ability to easily point the toes and create a straight line to the knee. Still, among land athletes, only ballet dancers have better ankle flexibility than swimmers.

Swimmers are very coordinated, as well. The complex nature of swimming uses every part of the body to move forward in a series of movements within each stroke cycle, encouraging an intuitive understanding of the kinetic chain. And, in what other sport does the athlete propel himself or herself at full speed toward a wall, then tuck and reverse directions without slowing down?

Strength for Swimmers Athlete's

Finally, we come to strength, the final measure of athletic condition. As we compare the strength developed by swimmers with the strength developed by other athletes, it is clear that swimmers do not develop the same degree of musculature as many other athletes.
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For example, football players and weightlifters develop more muscle bulk than swimmers in order to succeed in their sports. But since swimming does not have the same strength requirements as football and weightlifting, should we be concerned with strength levels in swimming? The answer is yes!  While swimmers do not need muscle size to excel, they do need muscle strength.
4 Types of Strength Should be Concerned for Swimmers Athletes

4 Types of strength that swimmers should be concerned

Force is the maximum amount of resistance that can be applied. In the case of swimming, force refers to the maximum resistance that can be applied to the water, in one stroke, from the beginning of the catch through the end of the underwater stroke, accelerating from beginning to end. More deliverable force improves a swimmer’s distance per stroke, ultimately producing more potential for speed.

Power is the ability to maintain force over time. In swimming, power is required to do the series of strokes it takes to complete any single lap or distance in the pool. A swimmer who is able to keep a higher percentage of force throughout his or her race all the way to the end with less fatigue is able to maintain more even splits and therefore produce a faster overall time.
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Explosiveness is the ability to recruit a burst of force. In swimming, explosiveness is beneficial for fast starts, turns and sprinting. A swimmer with good explosive strength is quick off the blocks and has turns that set him or her apart from the field. Explosiveness is also the basis of sprinting. However, it should be pointed out that swimming even the shortest race, with its 20 to the 30-second average time span, takes more than just explosiveness, it also takes power and force to sprint well. 
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Stability refers to one’s ability to balance and control movements from within the body. In swimming, we must be able to create and maintain integrity in motion and do so without the support of the ground. The ability to stabilize oneself is crucial to producing forward motion while floating. A swimmer with good stability is able to generate power from the center of the body and send it upward to the arms and downward to the legs in a continuous chain reaction to generate speed.

A carefully designed strength training program enhances a swimmer’s water training, dramatically enriching its value. In addition to swimming,  strength training that addresses all four kinds of strength should be considered an essential part of a swimmer’s long-term training.

That's the article about 4 Types of strength Should be Concerned for Swimmers Athletes. Hopefully, this article useful for the readers, especially for the trainers and athletes swimming. Thanks.

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