HIIT Workout : Plank Exercise Variation to Train Abdominal Muscle

kang ikal
HIIT Workout : Plank Variation to Train Abdominal (abs) Muscles. This article will discuss how to train your abdominal muscles become stronger and sixpack using HIIT Workout plank exercise variation, which is a dream for everyone. Abdominal muscles are the muscles that help all kinds of our activities and become the bridge between the upper body and the bottom.

With good quality abdominal muscles, the physical activity and physical exercise that we do will be done effectively and efficiently so that the energy we spend is not in vain. Lots of exercises recommended by fitness instructors to form "abdominal muscles" to be flat. One of them is by doing the Plank exercise.

Muscle Contraction in a Plank Exercise

Judging from the kinds of muscle contractions, this plank is a form of isometric contraction. This means that there is no elongation and shortening of abdominal muscles, as well as doing sit up or crunch that has the form of isotonic contractions in the presence of elongation and shortening of muscles. Before we go on about plank exercise, it's better if we know the parts or anatomy of our abdominal muscles. Below is the anatomy of our abdominal muscles.

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abs anatomy

Anatomy of Abdominal Muscles

From the picture above there are some parts of our abdominal muscles that must be trained to form a packed six pack of tight and flat.

1. Rectus Abdominis
This abdominal muscle extends vertically from top to bottom. This abdominal muscle that looks sixpack if our body fat content of 6% -10%. This muscle that always wanted to be formed by men usually to get high confidence..

2. Transverse Abdominis
This abdominal muscle serves to stabilize the pelvis and back before moving the body. By training these muscles will be able to make the stomach more flat.

3. External Obliques
This muscle is located behind the lower rib cage and passes to the pelvis. External oblique serves to stabilize the spine during exercise that allows the body to bend sideways.

4. Internal Obliques
It lies beneath the external oblique muscle and helps the movement of the spine during exercise like a crunch exercise. This muscle also stabilizes the spine when a person does a twist or bending motion.

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Plank Exercise Variation to Train Abdominal Muscle

Here's a plank exercise variations that we can use to get a sixpack abs taut and flat.

1. Regular Plank
Way to do :
Perform this movement for 30 seconds with 3 sets, 1 set = 3 repetitions. The rest between repetitions is 15 seconds. This exercise is to train the rectus abdominis muscles.

2. Side Plank
side plank
Way to do :
Perform this movement for 30 seconds for each arm with 3 sets, 1 set = 3 repetitions. The rest between repetitions is 15 seconds. This exercise is to train obliques abdominis muscle.

3. One Arm Plank
One Arm Plank
Perform this movement for 30 seconds for each arm with 3 sets, 1 set = 3 repetitions. The rest between repetitions is 15 seconds.

4. BOSU Ball Stability Plank (Black Side Up)
BOSU Ball Stability Plank (Black Side Up)
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Perform a push up position with both arms wider than the shoulders on the BOSU ball, position both legs tightly, roll the body sideways

Perform this movement for 30 seconds for each side with 3 sets, 1 set = 3 repetitions. The rest between repetitions is 15 seconds

That's the articles about HIIT Workout : Plank Exercise Variation to Train Abdominal Muscle, may the four variations of plank exercise above can be useful and used for all readers as well. Thanks.