8 Reasons Aerobic Exercises Improve the Quality and Quantity of Life. This the reasons of aerobic exercises will improve the quality and quantity of life. The good quality of life must enhance by exercises or doing sports regularly.
The 8 Reasons of Aerobic Exercises Can Improve Our Life
1. Aerobic exercises lower blood pressure immediately. With regular exercise, hypertensive individuals can eventually reduce the amount of heart medication they have to take on a daily basis. People with high blood pressure and other heart diseases can also get benefit from regular exercise. It is conceivable to reverse the progression of heart disease if an individual is willing to change his diet and engage in a more active lifestyle.
2. According to a recent study in the US, Aerobic exercises can reduce the induction of negative emotional responses in males, such as anxiety and most especially anger. That can lead to better heart health as well, as anger has been known to increase blood pressure, which predisposes a person to MI or heart attacks.
3. Aerobic exercises warm up the body. During a rigorous physical activity, the body's core body temperature rises. When a person stops exercising, the body cools down. This cooling mechanism allows a person's muscles to become loose and relaxed.
4. Aerobic exercises can help slow down the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Speaking no prescription Propecia a person with Alzheimer's disease experiences reduced motor capacity in time, as the disease progressively affects a person's neurological capacity.

Studies performed as early as the late nineties point to the fact that an active lifestyle can help slow down, prevent or even reverse this component of Alzheimer's disease. The exercise does not have to be rigorous - even walking ten to fifteen minutes a day is already a good way to slow down brain degeneration in Alzheimer patients.
5. Regular aerobic exercises promote good posture. Good posture is a very important factor for seniors because posture also affects a person's ability to breathe.
6. Exercise has also been linked to deeper, better sleep. So if you have problems falling asleep or staying in a deep sleep at night, exercising late in the day might be the solution you have been looking.
If however, exercising energizes you to the point that you are unable to sleep immediately, then you may want to schedule your regular fitness routine early in the day. So, your body will have enough time to cool down before bedtime.
Cardiovascular exercises increase aerobic fitness. As we know aerobic fitness compromise two functions, deliver proper oxygen to muscles efficiently and waste products (carbon dioxide and metabolic waste products) expelled out.
Cardio workouts burn fat in the real sense. But depends on the type and training that can burn up to 1000 calories per hour. Starving off idea can't achieve proper results because body belongs to calories in and calories out phenomena and, if you don't give fuel to your body then how can u expect positive results from your body. So, if you want to reduce your body fat sensibly then you must listen to your body and provide a right amount of nutrients.
7. Studies show that if you spend 1 hour aerobically it will increase 2 hours of your life span that is probably one of the healthiest deal. Therefore, aerobic fitness improves the quality and quantity of your life.
8. 15 to 30 minutes daily aerobic exercise dramatically reduce the moderate level of stress and also enhances your available energy level.
Cardiovascular Training Helps to Prevent Diseases
Men and women those involve in aerobic fitness may have limited chance to get colon cancer.
Aerobic training decreases the risk of heart disease.
- It slows the aging process.
- It enhances good (HDL) level.
- It improves the quality of sleep. Less sleep can make you stress or mentally and physically ill.
- Individuals who perform cardio exercises become good with mental sharpness.
When you do cardio exercises or aerobic training there are few things that you must consider for maximum productive results.
- Oxygen Deficit
- Steady State
- Oxygen Debt
- Aerobic Power
- Aerobic Training Threshold
- Aerobic Training Zone
- Aerobic Over-training
- Exercise Intensity
- Exercise Duration
- Exercise Frequency
Misconception about Cardio Exercises
The majority of people do not like aerobic exercises because they fear that their muscle size will reduce if they engage themselves in these exercises such as a treadmill, jumping, bike, etc. In fact, It is good to do cardiovascular training for increasing overall stamina and resting heart rate of the body and it is also important to burn more calories and reduce fat from your body.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9634572