
Sunday, November 26, 2017

7 Tips to Stay Fit and Controling Weight When Traveling

7 Tips to Stay Fit and Controling Weight When Traveling. I have been traveling on and off for the past two weeks. This week marks the last of our summer vacations and trips to visit family. I know first hand how being away from home can take a toll on your fitness regimen. Vacations are notorious for quickly packing on the pounds this summer. From road trips, to camping, to amusement parks, to visiting with family - each destination is filled with tempting food and drink as well as a change in our exercise routine. I have received several questions regarding the best plan to have in place to prevent a setback during the summer travel season.

Stay Fit and Controling Weight When Traveling

Begin by considering if you would like to go into Maintenance Mode - just maintain your progress - or Results Mode - KEEP making progress. This will determine your plan of action as well as the level of commitment to your vacation eating and exercise plan.

Stay Fit Tip 1: Remember WHY you are going on Vacation.
If the goal is to feel refreshed after you return, why abandon all of your healthy habits only to return feeling like you need to be a "slave" to your workouts in order to make up for all the weight you gained. No amount of eating or drinking is worth the effort it will take to remove those excess pounds. Make good choices while you are away and you will be more prepared to overcome any travel fatigue, so you return to your normal routine feeling rejuvenated!

Stay Fit Tip 2: Prevention is KEY In the long run, prevention is always better than the cure.
If you already know ahead of time that you will be practicing in some overindulgence, ,vamp up your exercise and eating habits NOW.The best part about this type of approach is that you have a deadline. This will help keep you motivated to stick as closely as you can to your FYM plan. If you have the time, begin 2 to 4 weeks prior to leaving. This gives you the opportunity to lose 4 to 8 pounds of fat - all before you leave! Allowing you more flexibility while you are away.
7 Tips to Stay Fit and Controling Weight When Traveling
Stay Fit Tip 3: Meal Management Strategies
The last thing you want to do prior to, during or after vacation is to not eat.If you choose to skip your meals, two wonderful things happen to your body. First, your metabolism slows down. Next since you brain thinks that you are starving it will tell your body to store any food that it does receive in the form of fat. Skipping Meals = Weight Gain! The best thing you can do for your body is to begin each day with breakfast and eat a supportive meal or snack every 3 hours. This in turn will fuel your metabolism, provide you with an abundance of energy and allow your body to burn more fat 24-7.

Stay Fit Tip 4: Plan your Splurges.
Just as I encourage you to plan your cheat meals with your everyday nutrition plan, you can do the same while on vacation. For instance, if you know you will be enjoying a bountiful lunch, avoid overindulging during breakfast. Instead make your other meals that day light and more supportive. Keep in mind that a typical restaurant entrée is about 1500 calories - that does not include bread, appetizer or dessert. Keep your meals as healthy as possible, try your best not to over eat, and enjoy yourself by eating things you wouldn't get at home.

Stay Fit Tip 5: Avoid Fast Food.
It never fails, while on our way to our destination spot, we either find ourselves at the Starbucks or McDonald's in the airport or on the highway, taking in far too many calories before we even get there! Don't let this happen to you. You can get this junk food anytime. Save your vacation calories for more exciting and rare treats. Avoid the on-the-go temptations by making a point to eat something before you leave or pack some travel snacks such as almonds and dried fruit to help curb your appetite.

Stay Fit Tip 6: Get Moving.
The simplest and easiest fitness routine is right outside your door. On vacation there's no better time to enjoy the benefits of just moving more! Plan a to get out and watch the sunrise or sunset. The purpose of a vacation is to enjoy the amenities, sights, and sounds your destination has to offer.

Stay Fit Tip 7: Forget the GYM.
Yes, to avoid unwanted weight you have to exercise....but don't feel as if you need to spend your time in the hotel workout facilities or a slave to your regular workout routine. You'll just set yourself up to make excuses. You do not need any equipment to fit a fantastic fat burning workout into your vacation plans. All you need is a little space and your Body! Check out this routine -

Stay Fit Travel Workout

  1. Y- Squats - 10-15
  2. Push Ups - 10-15
  3. Lunges - 8-10 each side
  4. Burpees - 8-10
Perform this body weight circuit 3 to 4 times in a row with little to no rest between moves. Get an energizing workout in a mere 10 minutes or less! Body weight workouts are intense, burn tons of calories, plus they make you look and feel amazing while you are enjoying your vacation. Plan on fitting at 2-3 workouts in for each week you are away.

Your Stay Fit Travel Workout can be completed any where, anytime of the day.

Travel Workout Tips....Recap. Be sure to try out your travel routine at least once at home. Plan your workout for first thing in the morning (right before you shower)-- getting this out of the way gives you a positive frame of mind, allowing you to fully concentrate on your guilt-free vacation fun. Vacation and travel doesn't have to equal weight gain. You have the knowledge and tools to eat well and stay fit, all you have to do is follow through.

It's okay to indulge but don't abandon your healthy habits altogether. Try to take in all of the sites and events your vacation has to offer, spending time with the ones you love and enjoying time away from home. Wherever you go, whatever you do, have fun, relax, and enjoy your vacation!

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