
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

4 Strength Training Myths There Still Exist in The Society

4 Strength Training Myths There Still Exist in Society. There are many strength training myths that still exist in the society that impacts to the mindset of people to conduct the strength training program, some women. Here are the 4 Strength training myths that still exist in society mind.

Myth 1: strength training makes women too bulky

Some women avoid strength training for fear of looking too masculine. However, strength training actually enhances a woman’s femininity; it improves muscle tone and definition and creates a better body shape. Increases in muscle mass can be made, but women can never achieve the muscle bulk of men. This is due to the fact that men have 10 times as much of the muscle-building hormone, testosterone, in their systems. Women are, therefore, genetically programmed not to achieve the muscle bulk of men. 

Myth 2: if you stop training, muscle turns to fat

It is impossible for muscle to turn to fat, as it is a completely different type of body tissue. Muscle mass and strength will gradually decrease if you stop training (some physiologists believe that a muscle will never quite return to its pre-training state), and fat stores will increase if you eat more calories than you need over a period of time.

However, one will not turn into the other! Once a certain muscle mass has been achieved through regular strength training this can be maintained by training less frequently (once or twice a week).
4 Strength Training Myths There Still Exist in The Society

Myth 3: strength training makes you muscle-bound and decreases flexibility

Increasing your muscle mass does not make you muscle-bound, reduce your flexibility or reduce your speed in athletic activities.

On the contrary, if you train correctly – performing each exercise in strict form through a full range of motion (ROM) that gives your muscles and joints a full stretch – you can maintain and even improve flexibility. Your ROM may decrease when you lift heavy weights, so compensate for this by doing full ROM stretches between sets and especially at the end of your workout.

Continued use of heavier weights, partial repetitions and performing exercises with an incomplete ROM (‘cheating reps’) usually results in reduced flexibility. Also, if you have one muscle group (e.g. the quadriceps) that is over-developed in comparison with the opposing group (e.g. the hamstrings), this can cause reduced flexibility in that opposing muscle group. This is common in cyclists and footballers due to the larger volume of work performed by the quadriceps. In any case, stretching the relevant muscles after training will help prevent them shortening and increase their flexibility.

It has been demonstrated that a strong muscle can contract more quickly and generate more power than a weak one. In fact, the physiques of world-class sprinters are very muscular, which shows that increased muscle mass does not hinder your speed or flexibility.

Myth 4: strength training harms the joints

When performed properly and safely, strength training improves the strength of the ligaments that hold a joint together (see here), thus making the joint more stable and less prone to injury. Impact movements such as running and jumping can unduly stress the ligaments and make the joints more susceptible to injury. The controlled, no-impact movements used in strength training, however, place far less stress on the joints than most other forms of exercise, so are a good way of strengthening them.

That's the strength training myths there still exist in our neighborhood. After reading this article, we must inform the society that the 4 things above it are just a myth that bothering you to do some strength training in a gym.

That's article about 4 strength training myths there still exist in the society. Hopefully, this article useful for all readers. Don't forget to see another interesting article on this website. Thanks.

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