Multistage Fitness Test (Beep Test)
Beep Test (Multistager Fitness Test) to Test VO2max Capacity. This article discusses vo2max test using Multistage Fitness Test or usually we called is Beep Test/Bleep Test. The objective of the Multi-stage Fitness Test (MSFT) is to monitor or the development of the athlete's maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max).Required resources
To undertake this Multistage Fitness Test (Bleep Test) you will require:
The Multistage Fitness Test (Bleep Test) is conducted as follows:
- Flat, non slippery surface at least 20 metres in length
- 30 metre tape measure
- Marking cones
- Pre-recorded audio tape or CD or Mp3
- Tape recorder or Mp3 player
- Recording sheets
- Assistant
- Calculator.
Or You can Download My Multistage Fitness Test MSFT Calculator for Android Smartphone in here : Download
How to conduct the Multi-stage Fitness Test (MSFT)
The Multistage Fitness Test (Bleep Test) is made up of 23 levels where each level lasts approx. one minute. Each level comprises of a series of 20m shuttles where the starting speed is 8.5km/hr and increases by 0.5km/hr at each level. On the tape/CD a single beep indicates the end of a shuttle and 3 beeps indicates the start of the next level.
- Measure out a 20 metres section and mark each end with a marker cone
- The athlete carries out a warm up program of jogging and stretching exercises
- The test is conducted
- The athlete must place one foot on or beyond the 20m marker at the end of each shuttle
- If the athlete arrives at the end of a shuttle before the beep, the athlete must wait for the bleep and then resume running
- The athlete keeps running for as long as possible until he/she can longer keep up with the speed set by the tape at which point they should voluntarily withdraw
- If the athlete fails to reach the end of the shuttle before the beep they should be allowed 2 or 3 further shuttles to attempt to regain the required pace before being withdrawn
- Record the level and number of shuttles completed at that level by the athlete
- At the end of the test the athletes conduct a warm down program, including stretching exercises.
Analysis of the result is by comparing it with the results of previous tests. It is expected that, with appropriate training between each test, the analysis would indicate an improvement.
The algorithm below will provide you with an estimate of your V02max. Please note that, when compared to the MSF Table values, the calculator result can be in error by up to ± 0.3 mls/kg/min:
- VO2max = 18.043461 + (0.3689295 x TS) +(-0.000349 xTS xTS)
You finished at: Level 10 shuttle 5
From the table below determine the number of shuttles for the level you reached. In this example Level 10 is 94 shuttles.

Your total number of shuttles (TS) is 94 + 6 = 100
You can then calculate your VO2max as follows:
Table Reference : Beashel P. et al, The world of sport examined, 1997
- VO2max = 18.043461 + (0.3689295 x 100) +(-0.000349 x 100 x 100)
- VO2max = 48.114 mls/kg/min (± 0.3 mls/kg/min)
Normative data for the multi-stage fitness test
The following are national team scores for the Multistage Fitness Test (Bleep Test) MSFT.
Target group
This Multistage Fitness Test (Bleep Test) is suitable for endurance athletes and players of endurance sports (eg football, rugby) but not for individuals where the test would be contraindicated. A degree of caution is required in administering the test, in that you have to push yourself relatively hard to the point where you can no longer maintain the pace dictated by the tape. If you are suffering from any injury or illness, or if you have any reason to think you may not be in a good general state of health, you should consult a doctor before doing this test.Reliability
Reliability would depend upon how strict the test is conducted and the individual's level of motivation to perform the test As the audio-tapes may stretch over time, the tapes need to be calibrated which involves timing a one-minute interval and making adjustment to the distance between markers. The recording is also available on compact disc, which does not require calibration.Validity
There are published VO2max tables and the correlation to actual VO2max is high.Reference
Mackenzie, Brian. 2005. 101 Perforamnce Evalution Test. Electric World Plc. London.
Incoming Search Terms :
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- msft procedure
- bleep test procedure
- beep test procedure
- procedure for physical fitness test
- physical fitness assessment
- vo2max assessment